Cosmetic Dentistry Before & Afters

Want to change the look of your smile?

If you are not satisfied with the look of your teeth when you smile, laugh or talk in public, then you might want to consider a cosmetic dentistry service in the Central Coast area, who can help you to correct the appearance of teeth and gums, and give you a great smile.

At New Leaf Dentists, we have a host of dental services that could fix your concerns.

1.     Before: Your Crooked Smile

One of the biggest problems with adult smiles is crooked teeth.

This is where individual teeth are not properly aligned, and so your dental line is ragged, rather than a smooth curve.

Your teeth are likely to need alteration, including adjusting using braces or clear aligners to help straighten your teeth.

If you are nervous about having braces at a mature age, talk to New Leaf Dentists about Invisalign.

After: A Perfect Smile

Depending on your case, you may only need to use braces for a few short months to see a change in the way your teeth look, and straightening out your smile can make you feel a lot more confident.  

2.     Before: Discoloured or Stained Teeth

Another problem that we see quite often is discolouration on the teeth.

This is caused by eating habits, poor dental hygiene and tooth decay, and can be resolved using a number of methods. If teeth whitening does not work, New Leaf Dentists can try veneers or other treatments.

After: White Teeth

Whether you opt for our teeth whitening services or choose veneers, we can assist you with finding the right solution to ensure that you have beautiful, white teeth when you smile.

Missing or Decaying Teeth? We Can Solve This Too!

You may be in a position where you have several missing teeth, or where teeth need to be repaired because they have been damaged by tooth decay.

As well as a program of dental hygiene training, you can also talk to New Leaf Dentists about dental implants, crowns and bridges and even dentures.

Get A Range of Treatments with Us

Whatever you are looking for when you decide that you need cosmetic dentistry on the Central Coast, you can come to see us in Erina to fix your smile.

We treat both adults and children, offering options that will restore your mouth to good health. To find out what we can do, contact us now or call 02-4367-6222 to make an appointment today.

For more dental information, read our previous blog on teeth whitening FAQs!